home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #define INT_MAX +32767
- #define INT_MIN -32767
- #define NIL 0L
- /* resource id's */
- #define CWINRES 400
- #define GWINRES 401
- #define MBAR_RES 400
- #define APPLE_MENU_RES 400
- #define FILE_MENU_RES 401
- #define EDIT_MENU_RES 402
- #define CONTROL_MENU_RES 403
- #define STRINGS_RES 400
- /* Apple menu */
- #define ABOUT_ITEM 1
- #define ABOUT_BOX 400
- /* File menu */
- #define LOAD 1
- #define LOAD_NOISILY 2
- #define QUIT 4
- /* Edit menu */
- #define UNDO 1
- #define CUT 3
- #define COPY 4
- #define PASTE 5
- #define CLEAR 6
- /* Control menu */
- #define BREAK 1
- #define CONTINUE 2
- #define CLEAN_UP 3
- #define CANCEL_INPUT 4
- #define TOP_LEVEL 5
- #define SHOW_GRAPHICS 7
- #define SPLIT_SCREEN 8
- /* window sizing/dragging stuff */
- #define DRAG_THRESHOLD 8
- #define MIN_WIN_HEIGHT 80
- #define MIN_WIN_WIDTH 120
- #define MAX_BUF 250 /* max chars in output buffer */
- #define SCROLLBACK_THRESHHOLD 30000 /* max chars kept in window */
- #define DELETE_BLOCK 10000 /* how many chars to delete when threshhold reached */
- #define LINEHEIGHT 11 /* height in pixels of 9-point Geneva, the font used */
- #define STACKMIN 400000 /* amout of memory for application stack */
- #define MASTERS 3 /* arbitrary -- how many times to call MoreMasters() */
- /* key codes */
- #define RETURN 0x0d
- #define ENTER 0x03
- #define DELETE 0x08
- #define FWDDEL 0x7F
- #define CLRKEY 0x1b
- #define PAGEUP 0x0b
- #define PAGEDN 0x0c
- #define HOMEKEY 0x01
- #define ENDKEY 0x04
- #define HELPKEY 0x05
- #define FNKEY 0x10
- #define LEFTARROW 0x1c
- #define RIGHTARROW 0x1d
- #define UPARROW 0x1e
- #define DOWNARROW 0x1f
- #define DBLQUOTE '\"'
- /* useful definitions */
- #define MBAR_HEIGHT 20
- #define TITLEBAR_HEIGHT 20
- #define SCROLLER_WIDTH 15
- #define SCREEN_MARGIN 2
- #define TEXT_MARGIN 4
- #define GRAFWIN_HEIGHT 232